Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Top 7 Blog Posts of 2012

I am always interested and often surprised at which of my collegiate ministry blog posts are most read and or commented on. First, it tells me what people are curious about, wrestling with in their own ministry or vehemently disagree with. So, here is the top 7 and the date they were posted.

"10 Things Parents of a College Freshmen Need to Know" 7/23/12
Several different ministries or state wide college ministries directed parents to it. It speaks to the concern of parents and points to our opportunity to partner with them.

"7 Top Reasons Students Attended a College Ministry the First Time" 8/15/12
This is the results of the great survey that the Kentucky Baptist Collegiate Ministry did in five states. Very helpful practical info.

"20 Principles and Wise Sayings of College Ministry" 8/13/12
This is my attempt to put in brief form some of why what we do works and what is just accepted truth among many college ministers.

"Why College Ministry is Harder than it has Ever Been" 1/13/12
College Ministers as a whole agree with this premise, but it is not just one thing or issue that makes it true.

"Common Characteristics of Large and Growing College Ministries" 12/20/12
This came out of my observation of different Baptist campus based ministries and a series of articles a writer did on Campus Crusade's larger ministries.

"6 Types of College Ministers" 4/2/12
This blog came out of my experience in working with different "successful" College Ministers and the growing false idea that to be a good college minister you have to be young, cool and have hair gel....nothing wrong with hair gel...except some of the best don't use it...and aren't young.

"College Ministers and Alcohol" 10/5/12
This is my most "commented" blog. The main point is that most Baptist ministries and many others assume that a potential or current college minister abstains from alcohol.
Yet, this is a changing thought among some who do or want to do college ministry. I got roasted on both sides of this I considered it a HUGE success!

Arliss Dickerson

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