Thursday, July 30, 2015

"10 Things Parents of a College Freshman Need to Know"

1. College is usually harder than high school and your son or daughter may study as hard or harder, but not make as good of grades as high school.

2. The friends and habits a student develops during the first 3 weeks often determine their whole college career. Make sure they understand the importance of starting right with a clear set of priorities. Students can shipwreck their college career and even their entire life during this time.

3. 7 out of 10 high school seniors active in church have no spiritual connections while in college. If this is a priority in your family, discuss how to make it part of the first 3 weeks. Many do not intentionally turn away from their faith; it just gets lost in the beginning with all the busyness.

4. Parents cannot see or receive their son or daughter's grades without a special signed form that can be obtained from the Registrar's Office. This is part of federal privacy laws.

5. Students who live in dorms tend to make better grades national studies show.
-It's all about being connected to college life and feeling like a student.

6. Students who are active in campus organizations are more likely to stay in school and graduate.
-Again, it is about being connected and feeling connected. Obviously, a campus ministry like the Baptist Collegiate Ministry is a huge plus.

7. National studies show students tend to marry someone they date! Really!!

8. You should know where your son or daughter lives at school and how to contact them there.....or how someone else could contact them (dorm and room number, apartment and number....not just cell).

9. The average is for students to change their major 3 to 4 times (that is why it is best to take required basics the first semester or two).

10. Psychologists say the two greatest times of change in a person's life are birth to age one and high school graduation to Christmas. That is why it is so important to stay connected and involved during this time.

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