Wednesday, August 24, 2016

5 Reasons to Develop Student Leaders for College Ministry

1. When you develop student leaders you multiply your time.
-Students will do tasks that free you to do other things.

2. You reach students that you would not reach.
-Students serious about the Lord and the ministry have contact with students you would never even see once.

3. You increase their growth in relationship to the Lord.
-When students accept and take responsibility in ministry it tends to deepen their desire and need to walk with the Lord.

4. It grows your relationship to them and allows them to see into your life.
-Many of them will never have had a personal relationship to an older adult who walks with the Lord. If you are married, it gives them a look into a (not perfect) but godly marriage. That's something's lots have never seen at their home.

5. It develops and trains people for leadership roles in the church for the years to come.
-Every strong local church has strong lay church has too many. Where else will godly, mature worship leaders, teachers and deacons or elders come from?
25 Tips for Developing College Ministry Leaders
If you are interested in knowing more about working with student leaders, check out my new eBook,25 TIPS FOR DEVELOPING COLLEGE MINISTRY LEADERS on Amazon for 99 cents. It is just the practical every day way to build into the lives of students. You can read it in an hour or just read whatever tips speak to your present need.

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