Monday, October 31, 2016

The College Ministry Multiplier

It increases the number of students you reach, it brings spiritual gifts the leader does not possess, and it deepens the discipleship of many of your students. Plus, it provides the college ministry leader with more time for the tasks that matter most. What is this magic potion or formula and how much does it cost?

The "College Ministry Multiplier" is the development and empowerment of a significant number of student leaders. The cost is an investment of time and intentionality that pays off in the long run....maybe even the short run! One of the key elements of developing and empowering student leaders in a College ministry is one to one meetings.

Here are Eleven Elements of Transformative One to One Meetings:

1. Have a set time and place. Don't leave it to chance or weekly arrangement.

2. Meet somewhere private to avoid interruption and for ease of very private conversations.

3. Decide your regular structure. I ask for a commitment of one hour. Thirty minutes for the personal and thirty minutes for their leadership role and responsibilities.

4. Allow the personal discussions to go to whatever level the student is comfortable. It will change over time.

5. Ask questions in the personal time.

6. During the leadership time discuss upcoming events and their responsibilities.

7. Help them evaluate previous ministry events and actions from the previous week.

8. Help them deal with and learn from any sense of failure.

9. Give honest praise for time spent, accomplishments, and effort.

10. Always close in prayer. Many have never learned to pray aloud with another person.

11. Tell them you will see them next week, same time and place and to be sure and let you know if they need you for anything.

This is an abbreviated excerpt from my Amazon EBook, 25 TIPS FOR DEVELOPING COLLEGE MINISTRY LEADERS.

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