Friday, December 6, 2013

4 Questions to Ask at the End of the Semester

1. What is it that you/your ministry did that made the most difference?
-What did students respond to the best?
-What moved students most toward life change?
-What gave you the biggest bang for the buck?

2. What did you do that needs to go by the wayside?
-It isn't worth what it cost you time wise or monetarily.
-It used to work but it doesn't anymore and you are doing it from force of habit.

3. Are you making decisions based on what is not what was?
-Campuses and situations change. Students change.
-Are you thinking honestly about the situation NOW?

4. Are you playing to your personal strengths and the strengths of your ministry?
-Are you shortcutting on some things because they come easily to you and as a result you are not seeing all come out of it that you might?
-Each ministry has a unique or set of unique strengths....particularly where there is more then one college ministry this matters.
-What sets you apart? What makes your ministry unique?
-What are you offering that meets a need that is not being met elsewhere?

1 comment:

  1. Great questions! These get me thinking about how I can improve our college ministry for next year. We need to play more on our strengths and do some of those things that have worked well for us in the past.
