In my "Fifth Season" back on the college campus, I have been overwhelmed by how positively I have been received by students.
I see other College Ministers from other ministries and churches out in their gym shorts, etc....but, that's not me. It doesn't fit my personality and it doesn't fit my age. I'm reminded that if you have to work at being "Cool" aren't.
It seems there are two factors working in my favor. Lifeway did a study a few years back that said one of the four markers in reaching young adults was that they wanted to learn from and be mentored by older adults.....I think Lifeway got that one right.
Second, I have long believed the "It Factor" in College Ministry is respect. Respect can be earned at any age. If you don't look good in gym shorts, it doesn't mean you have to get out of College Ministry. Respect is earned by being who you say you are, caring about and encouraging others advantage we old guys have....
.....I think college students/young adults have been disappointed by so many public figures and supposed role models they respond positively to a "mature adult" who is still living with integrity and trying to honor the Lord with his/her life. Ain't wearing gym shorts on campus!
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