Thursday, April 14, 2016

Five Things to do the Last Month of School

There are many things I love about the last month of school. The warmer, sunny days give me a new burst of energy and the campus population seems to double as students are out more. Students are less and less available as the reality of upcoming finals and paper deadlines approach. Plus, there are those students now reading Chapter One in some classes. I have confessed previously that I always have felt a sense of pressure of the responsibility of our ministry being all it should be. But, to me that pressure always seems to lift at this time....cause everyone is pointed toward "the sad singing and slow walking" as a friend of mine calls graduation.

As there are many different seasons to College Ministry, the last month is a season to itself. Let me share five things that I believe are key and unique to this season.


Now is the time to sit down with key leaders and seriously talk through what worked and what did not work....and why. Are there tweaks that need to be made (Not wholesale changes most of the time)?

I also believe it is a great time to get four or five freshmen together for cokes and, if you are a high dollar ministry, throw in some pizza. Students think better with free pizza in their mouth. Ask a few questions about your ministry and get their thoughts, why's, and what other freshmen think....generally and related to your ministry. Ask questions and listen; don't justify or explain. Shut up and listen. You might be surprised what you learn.


Is there that thing you have always wanted to try....a different meeting time or place....a different style main event? Try it one time now. I've shared previously several years ago I experimented with something different to prove it wouldn't work and it was a game changer plus. It became a staple of our ministry the next fall. Just break lose and try is the time.


If you are a campus based College Minister, what churches in your area will be holding special High School senior events. Can you get their list? Are there some that send large numbers of students to your campus....could you attend? Do they need a speaker? If you are a Church Based College Minister, how can you tie to your church's Senior event to help in their transition to your ministry? Remember, most studies now are saying 7 out of 10 disappear from church following high school graduation.


Now is a great time to write, call, or go in person to folks, churches etc. who somehow helped, blessed, gave to your ministry. There are very few times a thank you is ever wrong. A Summary of the Year letter might could go to all individual financial supporters.


Have one or more special Senior events that express thanks for what they have meant to your ministry and point them to the next phase of their lives. For many years we had seniors do testimonies at our last Lunch Program of the year. Some of it was funny memories, but some of it was a challenge to those coming after them. Plus, we always had a Senior Cookout at our house. The only program was a two minute speech by me. The three points were: 1. Now go do in a church what you have done here. 2. Much of what you have experienced was made possible by alums who give $25 a year. I hope you will too. 3. Stay as long as you want, but I will go to bed about eleven.


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