Monday, April 18, 2016

Nothing to Lose Experiment

In last week's Blog (5 Things to do the Last Month of School) I suggested the last month of school is a great time to experiment. Try that thing you always thought might or might not work. Maybe you need to prove it won't work. Austin Wadlow, College Pastor at First Baptist, Denton, said he had always wanted to have their Overflow worship on campus at the University of North Texas. But, they were reluctant to do so due to parking issues and that they also work with Texas Women's University.

Austin said, "We kind of took a nothing to lose mentality with trying it out this week.". He said, "We PACKED out this brand new theatre on many new students came to Overflow that had never been before....and a ton of significant gospel convos took place as a result."

I do know they made some major preparations and worked at addressing some of their concerns such as parking issues. It is a good reminder for it to be a worthy experiment, you must take the steps to try to make it work. If you are going to try it...then get serious about your preparation and effort on it. Go for it hard!

He also said they figured out some kinks to work on before they try some new things next fall. That is part of the oh boy about experimenting with a new thing now before making a change for next year. You see the kinks and can address them. Or, you see that it will not work.

What about now the time to have a nothing to lose mentality about trying something? Warning: don't try something that will leave a major negative impression of your ministry....that will linger.

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