Wednesday, December 2, 2015

#Givetwentyfive.....Page 2......#Give25

It has been encouraging to see people spread the word to give $25 to a College Ministry that blessed you during college days.

I received a message from a College Minister who serves on a campus where his is the only ministry. He raises his own salary (with a wife and children) and he said, "I am behind in support right now, so extra one time gifts would be awesome.". He also named a friend in College Ministry who serves in a different state who has taken a par time job to make ends meet.

A former BCM'er posted on her Facebook page that she had "learned Bible study skills, how to lead Bible studies, scripture memorization, outreach, accountability, leadership skills and much more" and challenged her peers to give $25 to a College Ministry that had encouraged them.

Sometimes, I am embarrassed at how little I realized or appreciated people who poured into my life and what that has meant to who I am today and God's call on my life. #Givetwentyfive is just a small way of saying thanks AND seeing that others in college now and the days to come experience what you and I did. It is a way of saying thanks.

I can say from personal experience that when a College Minister receives a check/gift to the ministry (or his salary fund) is encouragement to keep on. Some days one word of encouragement goes a long way!

Would you tell your story and/or encourage your college days friends to give back this month? What if a million College Ministry alums gave $25 this month?

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