Friday, February 19, 2016

Characteristics of New and Younger College Ministers

I was in a meeting recently where we discussed the changing landscape of College Ministry. One of the things we talked about was how College Ministers were having to cope with increased demands, declining budgets in some areas and just different thoughts of younger College Ministers. As we discussed it, there were different thoughts that ccame to mind. Some are ones that younger College Ministers may automatically have and some are characteristics they are expected to have or just must have to thrive.

1. One old College Ministry pro said, "They must think like missionaries to a foreign country.".

2. Younger College Ministers are skeptical and reluctant about denominational structure and oversight. There is the fear that this impedes creativity and function.

3. Today's College Minister (regardless of age and experience) must be more entrepreneurial. This is sometimes what runs afoul of denominational structure and oversight.

4. Today's younger College Minister is reluctant to do it "the old fashioned way". This can be good or bad. Some are discarding proven methods and principles just to do something different. Others are finding new ways to reach students as college campuses change.

5. The new College Minister must be willing and comfortable "wearing different hats" as more varied responsibilities are being added by sponsoring groups.

6. The new College Minister must be willing to accept the responsibility and become proficient at raising funds....both for budgets, salaries and buildings. The money is there. It just doesn't come like it used to.

1 comment:

  1. As a younger (maybe I'm flattering myself) college minister who's been extremely privileged to sit at tables with veterans and legends (like yourself), I think I've observed most of these characteristics in those who've gone before me. I've heard some say that college ministry has been the R&D department of the church, and I've observed that in the entrepreneurial spirit of guys like yourself, Steve Masters, and others.

    I think the skepticism and reluctance towards denominational structures is more prevalent, but I also think it could be because more younger collegiate leaders are coming from non-churched backgrounds. They have less experience with institutional religion as a whole.

    I could be off-base on that. I don't have any research to back that up other than my own experience.

    Thanks for what you do!
