Friday, April 19, 2013

Ideas from College Metro - Church College Ministrers Meeting

I enjoyed being with College Metro, the annual spring gathering of Church College Ministers in Baptist churches. Just like campus based College Ministers, their favorite part is sharing ideas. Here are some I heard:

Decide who you are and what the personality of your ministry is....that helps you filter what you will and won't do.

I was greatly impressed with the thought and planning that some have put into their College Sunday School and the overall plan for their College Ministry.
-one church uses the 4 statements of their church mission statement to guide the four years of their teaching. The freshmen study the most basic each year, the sophomores do the next, etc.
-they are in the process of developing a better senior curriculum to prepare them for what's next covering areas like money management, marriage, doing resumes, and good work habits.....all biblically based.

Another church shared their 5 Core Principles that they will teach and involve their students with:
-Working Biblical knowledge
-Healthy relationships
-Teaching service

It raises a great question. Do you have a plan of what your students will hear and learn during their four years with you?

Good Ideas and Giveaways:
-Hand out bottled water and coffee filters (girls blot their make-up with the coffee filters...who knew?
-Free Gum Table...6 or 7 of the most popular brands
-You can print your ministry name on a scantron.
-Big College service early in the school year for the WHOLE church with a well known band, but one that can also relate to the non-students.
-The Impossible Shot...prizes for anyone who can make it.

Number 1 frustration I heard: too many weekly staff and planning meetings that kept them from spending time on campus or with students. But, one shared the frustration of no weekly staff meeting and encouragement or staff community.
-Dodgeball tournament and supper.
-Milkshake booth on campus...they order their preferred and you get their info during the time it takes to make it.

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