Do you have an intentional list of things you want to teach your students?
Roger and Rose Bear at Indiana State want to teach students God's heart for the poor. With permission, I want to quote a story from their newsletter (named Please Feed the Bears)... "We've always led our students to give to hunger relief. We tell them that giving for missions and for hunger relief is not a matter of whether or not they can, but of whether or not they will. We do a worksheet to help them see how much they spend in a year on 'recreational eating' and entertainment. We give them a handout full of suggestions on how to earn money. And then I say, 'At the very least, you can promise God that you will give all they money you find in the next year...under couch cushions, on the sidewalk, in the pocket of your jacket, etc."
"The first year I started keeping track of found money, I had over $24. Then this year during finals week I was walking past Lincoln Quad and saw some trash bags that were thin enough to see perfectly good food inside (packages of ramen noodles, boxes of pop tarts, etc.). I took the bags back to the BCM and found ...trash...and lots of good packaged food....and a 2011 planner with a hundred dollar bill inside!!! Do I have any trouble believing that the disciples pulled a coin out of the mouth of a fish? Not a bit--I pulled a hundred dollars out of the trash from Lincoln Quad! So when I send in our hunger offering to Baptist Global Response this month, it will be a hundred dollars more. God enables us to do what He commands us to do."
Great story. What are some things you want to intentionally teach your students about this fall? Make a list...check it twice. Is it hunger, God's heart for the nations, sexual purity, personal discipline, godly relationships, God's call to vocational ministry???
Roger and Rose Bear are some of those who raise their own salaries to represent the Lord and Southern Baptists to the campus where God has called them.
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